How to Treat (and Prevent) a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

“Like heartburn and cankles, expectant moms are more prone to this itching, burning condition. Here’s what you need to know about diagnosis, treatment and”

Nonmonogamy and Vaginal Health” Article Contribution by Dr Michael Tahery

“It can be difficult to have conversations about sexually transmitted infections like HIV, herpes, and genital warts with one partner, but thanks to stigma around STIs, having conversations with multiple partners increases”…

Hormonal changes impact your nether regions in many frustrating ways besides vaginal dryness. About half of all menopausal women experience more itching, burning and irritation down below than they did during their fertile years—as well as a greater

What is The Difference Between Vaginal Rejuvenation Labiaplasty

Vaginal Rejuvenation and Labiaplasty are surgical and laser procedures that women usually opt for after they have given birth, gone through some hormonal changes or as they age and experience weakened vaginal muscles, change

when is pelvic pain serious

Pelvic Pain is pain that is felt in the lower part of the abdomen where the bladder, bowels, uterus, and ovaries are located. This kind of pain usually stems from the reproductive system, urinary system or the digestive system and can be classified as either chronic or acute pain. There are a number of

laparoscopic myomectomy

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors that grow in the muscle or wall of the uterus and usually only require treatment when symptoms such as heavy bleeding, pain, infertility, and frequent urination becomes a problem. There are various ways of treating fibroids

Urinary incontinence and vaginal prolapse after vaginal delivery

Most women after a vaginal delivery experience some trauma and damage to the supportive structure of their vagina. These supportive structures are scaffolding that maintains the position and the proper functioning of the organs surrounding the vagina

Experiencing Perimenopausal blues

Women are at increased risk of depression during perimenopausal transition due to hormonal changes in this period so close to menopause. This syndrome is called perimenopausal depressive disorder or PMDD. Researchers hypothesis that during

Exercise reduces the pain from periods

Period pains or the menstrual cramps are the most common complaint in menstruating women of all ages. Studies show 60-70% of women complain of cramps and 13-33% of women suffer from severe cramps. These symptoms can be so severe and disruptive that 24-34% of women fail to report for

treating vaginal infections los angeles glendale

Vaginal infections are one of the most common conditions women complain about. They present as abnormal odor, itching, and discharge. They show up as recurrent urinary tract infections, pain with intercourse, and persistent and chronic irritations inside and outside of the vagina.

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