Endometriosis vs. Menstrual Cramps What's The Difference

While some discomfort is normal, many women unknowingly have endometriosis. It can develop in women only a few years after the first menstrual period. The signs of endometriosis are easy to mistake for other conditions, and it’s common for women to mistake them for standard period pain ….

when is pelvic pain serious

Pelvic Pain is pain that is felt in the lower part of the abdomen where the bladder, bowels, uterus, and ovaries are located. This kind of pain usually stems from the reproductive system, urinary system or the digestive system and can be classified as either chronic or acute pain. There are a number of

what is endometriosis

Endometriosis is the implantation of the endometrial tissue in the pelvis or the abdomen. Endometrial tissue is what you see on your pad during menses. We think it finds its way to the inside of the abdomen through the fallopian tubes, tubes attaching the inside of the uterus to the inside of the abdomen. In most

Can Endometriosis Become Cancer

One of the most common conditions in women is endometriosis. It occurs in 1 out of 10 women. The symptoms are usually persistent pain with menstruation, bloody cysts of the ovary and fertility issues. It is usually considered to be a benign condition. However, for years there has been ……

Patient Suffers from Chronic Pain with Sex

Anna had stopped by my office today for a six month follow up. Anna is a 25 year old woman who complained of chronic pain with sex a year ago. Anna lives in Texas and had come to see me because she did not feel that the physicians she had seen for this problem in Texas were able to help her with her……..

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