Vaginoplasty in Los Angeles
What is vaginoplasty?
Vaginoplasty is a complete surgical repair of the pelvic floor and the walls of the vagina to achieve a perfect balance between the walls of the vagina and the supportive structures.
What is the function of the vagina?
Vagina is an organ with multiple functions. It is situated between the bladder, recutm and the uterus. Its walls support these organs as well as allow them to function properly. It is also a sexual function that is able to expand to accommodate the male organ. Its stretching ability is vital during childbirth accommodating the baby during labor.
What is the most common cause of vaginal injury?
Vagina, like any other functioning structure, requires four stable walls that support each other and organs around them. Damage to the vaginal structure can compromise all its functions. Most common cause of vaginal tissue disruption is vaginal childbirth. As infant is pushed through the vagina, the vaginal walls and the supportive structures are irreversibly stretched and damaged. A good surgeon has to identify the weakness in each wall and not only repair the superficial layers but the deep muscular and connective tissues.
What is involved in the vaginoplasty evaluation process?
Evaluation of the vagina starts with a visual inspection of each wall. Weakness of the connective tissues in the vaginal wall results in bulging of the surrounding organs into the vagina. Bladder from the top, rectum and bowel from below, and the cervix and the uterus from high in the canal. Next is the manual examination of the pelvic muscles and evaluation of strength. Further testing such as ultrasound, cystoscopy, and urodynamic testing may be performed if needed.
What are the most common symptoms of vaginal injury?
The posterior wall connective tissues and levator muscle integrity is critical to the functioning of the vagina during intercourse or as support for the rectum during bowel movement. The anterior wall connective tissue weakness results in incomplete bladder emptying and loss of urine with stress. Loss of connective tissues and muscular organs in the pelvic floor results in prolapse of the cervix and the uterus.
How are the vaginal defects repaired ?
Once the vagina is fully inspected and evaluated and areas of weakness are identified a plan to repair all parts is devised. Hormonal integrity of the vagina is insured by using bioidentical estriol hormone. This increases blood flow and contributes to strengthening the integrity of the vaginal tissue. This improves the healing and recovery from surgery.
The surgery can be performed under local anesthesia and usually is outpatient. For more complicated repairs iv sedation is recommended. Also cosmetic and functional repairs can be combined to achieve the best outcome.
The surgery is performed by injecting local numbing solution under the vaginal tissue being operated. Once perfect anesthesia is achieved the damaged areas are repaired using either laser, cautery or sutures.
Recovery is usually very quick.
What is the vaginoplasty recovery like?
Most women are back to normal functioning within one week. However until all sutures are dissolved and healing is complete no vaginal penetration and highly strenuous activity is not recommended. Continued use of the bioidentical hormones help in healing. Pain is usually well tolerated and can be alleviated using heat, oral over the counter pain medication. Some bleeding and discharge is expected while healing is in progress.
Full healing is expected in 6 weeks.