Perineoplasty Surgery in Glendale & West Los Angeles
The gaping vaginal opening is the result of an obstetric tear that was not repaired fully and defect that is left in the vaginal opening. The muscle and connective tissue layers that support the opening are weak or damaged and unable to support the vaginal opening.
Women usually complain of their dissatisfaction with the appearance of the vaginal opening and also feel looseness during intercourse.
A combination of pelvic floor exercises, hormonal therapy, and minimally invasive, an outpatient surgical treatment designed by Dr. Tahery can restore the function and appearance of the vaginal opening. Perineoplasty surgery requires very little downtime and recovery is very fast. For more information, call our office.
How is Perineoplasty Performed?
What is perineoplasty?
Perineoplasty is repair of the muscular and connective tissue support of the opening of the vagina.
Where is the perineum and what does it do?
Perineum is the 3-4 cm area between the anus and the vaginal opening. Even though it is a small area it is vital to the functioning of the vaginal opening. This area is made up of muscles and connective tissue that tighten the vaginal opening and support the internal vaginal organs. It also gives the vaginal opening the grip during intercourse with penetration.
Why does the perineum get damaged?
The most common reason the perineum is damaged is during a vaginal delivery. Usually because the opening of the vagina overstretches during delivery, the perineum tears. How perineum recovers or does not, depends on the repair after delivery. In most cases because of the swelling and bleeding after delivery the skin is closed but the supportive structures are neglected. This over time creates more weakness and creates a gap in the perineal area.
There is also possibility of scarring that can cause pain with penetration once repair is completed.
What problems can perineal damage cause?
Women with perineal damage often complain of recurrent vaginal infections, looseness during intercourse and penetration, excessive vaginal discharge and irritation, incomplete bowel emptying, and pressure with standing for extended periods of time and exercising.
Where is a perineoplasty performed?
I perform perineoplasty in our surgical suite designed for urogynecology and cosmetic procedures in Glendale and Santa Monica. Most times this procedure is performed under local numbing medication. Most patients can drive themselves home.
How is the damage to perineum evaluated?
The first step to evaluation is identifying all the structures in the perineum that are torn, damaged or weakened. This is done with a thorough examination of the vaginal and anal area. Once the defects are identified a surgical plan for repair can be designed.
Can lasers be used to repair the perineum?
Lasers can be used to tighten the vaginal tissue if there are no significant defects in the underlying muscle and connective tissue. Lasers are also helpful if there is dryness in the vagina causing irritation and discomfort. Lasers work by activating connective tissue and vascular formation in the damaged skin. Usually three sessions are required and then possible yearly repeat.
The perineoplasty procedure?
Surgical repair is outpatient with local anesthetic in most cases and can be combined with a vaginoplasty or other vaginal cosmetic or incontinence procedures. The skin overlying the perineal defect is opened and damaged organs are repaired using very fine sutures.
How is the recovery from a perineoplasty?
Recovery is also quick with very little down time. The only restrictions are no penetration for 6 weeks and to avoid activities that may irritate the repair area. Pain is most cases controlled with oral over the counter pain medication.
How do I know I need a perineoplasty?
If you are concerned about poor healing after a vaginal delivery, get recurrent vaginal infections or bladder infections, have difficulty with vaginal penetration during intercourse, too loose or too tight, poor sensation with intercourse, or have difficulty emptying your bowels, you may be a good candidate for a perineoplasty. Any questions please let us know and we will be able to help you consider your options.