In addition to being uncomfortable, vaginal laxity is also anatomically unsettling. Many women experience tears and laxity during vaginal delivery. This is also known as looseness of the vagina. With the vaginal canal widening a considerable amount while in labor, the vagina usually does not return to its pre-childbirth state …….

Which Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Do I need

Vaginal rejuvenation is an umbrella term used to describe several unique procedures. The vagina is a complex organ and will continue to change through puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. As you age, the vagina can experience several issues. Investing in a vaginal rejuvenation procedure is a ..


Thanks to the growing popularity of vaginal rejuvenation services, more and more women are turning to procedures like clitoral hood reduction surgery to reclaim their sexual health and confidence. Also known as a Hoodectomy, this procedure can address several concerns. Its main goal is to …

Labiaplasty and Pregnancy | What You Should Know

One of the most common concerns regarding labiaplasty is its effects on pregnancy and giving birth. Is it better to get a labiaplasty before or after pregnancy? The right choice for you depends entirely on your needs and goals. Interest in labiaplasty timing is reasonable considering how it ….

Minimally Invasive and Non Surgical Fibroid Treatment Options

70 percent of women are diagnosed with fibroids during their reproductive years. The non-cancerous growths are so common that the average woman typically has six to eight without even knowing. While a vast majority of fibroids are benign, many still require treatment ….

Will Insurance Cover Labiaplasty?

Coverage can vary based on the details of your policy and your condition. Like other procedures that tiptoe the line between cosmetic and medically necessary, Labiaplasty coverage also depends on the reasons for getting it. For most women, the cosmetic reasons for Labiaplasty are the biggest draw …

Are You Experiencing Perimenopause Symptoms?

Most women are familiar with menopause and all the changes that come with it. However, few understand what happens in the years leading up to it. Perimenopause is a transitional phase that occurs before the ovaries officially stop releasing eggs …

What is Labial Hypertrophy?

Labial hypertrophy is a common condition that refers to the size of the labia or vaginal lips. It’s a term that describes noticeable vaginal asymmetry. While the labia aren’t perfectly symmetrical in most women, hypertrophy is when one or both lips are more prominent than usual. This form of hypertrophy is usually not a serious …

4 Common Reasons You Might Be Experiencing Irregular Periods

Your menstrual cycle provides tons of information about your overall health. Irregular periods are not something you should ignore.
A standard menstrual cycle can range from 21 to 35 days. Meanwhile, the period itself lasts four to seven ….

The Trim Labiaplasty Vs Wedge Labiaplasty

Deciding to undergo a labiaplasty procedure is a big step in gaining confidence and sexual empowerment. Labiaplasty is one of the fastest-growing cosmetics surgeries in Los Angeles because it can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the vagina. All the while, it may address discomfort and improve your …..

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