Low estrogen in women

Low estrogen in women is a hormonal issue that can have detrimental effects on women’s health. While symptoms affecting sexual health are the most obvious signs of low estrogen, this imbalance can also put you at risk for osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, chronic dry skin,  premature skin aging, and more …

What Causes Female Infertility

Female infertility refers to infertility whose root cause lies with the women. Infertility is a complex issue that can have many causes. Conception and pregnancy are very delicate and complicated processes that require the right conditions and timing in order to be successful, hence infertility will occur if the right conditions are not met. 

What Are The Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Options?

There’s no need to live with the debilitating consequences for sleep, sexual health, general happiness, and confidence created by vaginal atrophy also known as atrophic vaginitis. Vaginal Atrophy is largely caused by the natural reductions in estrogen experienced both during and after menopause.

Are You Experiencing Perimenopause Symptoms?

Most women are familiar with menopause and all the changes that come with it. However, few understand what happens in the years leading up to it. Perimenopause is a transitional phase that occurs before the ovaries officially stop releasing eggs …

4 Common Reasons You Might Be Experiencing Irregular Periods

Your menstrual cycle provides tons of information about your overall health. Irregular periods are not something you should ignore.
A standard menstrual cycle can range from 21 to 35 days. Meanwhile, the period itself lasts four to seven ….

Whether you prefer to catch some Z’s or hit the hay, sleep plays a prominent role in our well-being. In addition to helping us recharge, sleep also allows us to retain information that we’ve acquired throughout the day. With a good night’s rest, you can also synthesize hormones, grow muscle …..

myths about hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment used in women to reduce the symptoms associated with menopause. From the first menstrual period up to menopause, healthy ovaries (including the pituitary gland) regulate female hormones – estrogen and progesterone as well as male hormone production ….

Menopause and Bio Identical Hormones los angeles

“Do i need hormones?” “Are all hormones the same?” “what is the safest and the best hormones and when should i start?”These are the most common questions I am asked from women transitioning through perimenopause or in menopause. Women concerned about changes they see in themselves, friends …

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