Whether you prefer to catch some Z’s or hit the hay, sleep plays a prominent role in our well-being. In addition to helping us recharge, sleep also allows us to retain information that we’ve acquired throughout the day. With a good night’s rest, you can also synthesize hormones, grow muscle, and repair tissue. Studies show women who sleep 6-7 hours per night lose weight faster, focus better, have better mood, and live longer. Researchers have long proven the benefits of getting adequate shut-eye, which is why many are keen to improve their sleep. Below, you’ll find some tips on how you can drift off into a deep slumber.

Menopausal symptoms

Hot flushes are common complaints in menopausal women. They accompany late-night sweats and rush of heat. Hot flushes disrupt sleep and prevent a good night rest. Hormonal therapy is the solution to this problem. Safe and effective for most women under proper supervision hormonal therapy eliminates hot flushes, restores sleep cycles, and allows for an uninterrupted night of sleep. Dr. Tahery is an expert in hormone replacement therapy and specializes in Bioidentical hormone therapy.

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Bid Farewell To Late-Night Snacking

Though we’ve all been guilty of it, eating late in the evening can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. Consuming food right before bed can prevent the release of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates sleep. To curb your late-night cravings, opt for water instead. For optimal results, eat your last meal four hours before going to bed. Not only will you fall asleep quicker, but you’ll also notice a shift in the quality of your sleep.

Try Sleeping Aids

There are countless supplements, teas, and over-the-counter medications that are designed to help individuals get to sleep. While certain remedies may work for some, they may be less effective for others. It’s for this reason why it’s essential to find something that works for you.

Dr. Tahery has created Soothe to calm the nerves and improve sleep. It enhances sleep quality by increasing levels of dopamine, serotonin, and GABA. In essence, it promotes immune and nervous system health and works wonders in treating insomnia and other sleeping disorders.

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Limit Caffeine Intake

Coffee addicts and tea lovers alike know how difficult it can be to cut back on caffeine consumption. While there’s nothing wrong with a cup of joe or tea throughout the day, be mindful of how much you’re drinking. If you rely on that midday cuppa to get you through the afternoon, try another alternative. Bananas, spinach, watermelon, and nuts can energize you greatly, and they won’t keep you up at night either. Moreover, some people turn to decaf options when they’re weaning off caffeine.

Create A Soothing Environment

A dimly lit, cool bedroom bodes well for a great night’s sleep. Don’t underestimate the power that temperate and mood lighting can have on your sleep. If it’s too warm, you’re bound to get uncomfortable, which often leads to incessant tossing and turning. If it’s too cold, you may end up tensing your body in an attempt to stay warm. With that said, it’s important to find your sweet spot. Once you have, adding a night light or candle to the room will create a serene atmosphere.

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