What Causes Female Infertility

Female infertility refers to infertility whose root cause lies with the women. Infertility is a complex issue that can have many causes. Conception and pregnancy are very delicate and complicated processes that require the right conditions and timing in order to be successful, hence infertility will occur if the right conditions are not met. 

do fibroids affect pregnancy

One crucial detail that makes fibroids affect pregnancy and fertility is location. These tumors can develop in various parts of the uterus. Submucosal fibroids generally have the most impact on fertility. These growths appear just under the endometrium and protrude into the uterine cavity. This type of fibroid …

Are You Experiencing Perimenopause Symptoms?

Most women are familiar with menopause and all the changes that come with it. However, few understand what happens in the years leading up to it. Perimenopause is a transitional phase that occurs before the ovaries officially stop releasing eggs …

Nonmonogamy and Vaginal Health” Article Contribution by Dr Michael Tahery

“It can be difficult to have conversations about sexually transmitted infections like HIV, herpes, and genital warts with one partner, but thanks to stigma around STIs, having conversations with multiple partners increases”…

how hormone imbalance can affect fertility

There are numerous hormones in a woman’s body influencing fertility. The mere presence of these hormones are not sufficient. These hormones need to be available in sufficient amounts and work in a balanced manner in order to achieve ovulation. The following is

Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug Effect on Pregnancy and Fertility

Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDS, are the most commonly used over the counter pain medications. They are marketed under brand names such as aspirin, ibuprofen,advil, aleve and many others.


“Can i still get pregnant?” “how much longer do i have? Time goes by fast. While we are going to school, building a career, and getting ready to get pregnant, time slips away. The number of women trying to get pregnancy after the age of 35 is growing. At 35 the chance of getting pregnant is 29% in each cycle, almost half of that before …..

fertility anxiety los angeles glendale

On any given day in my practice, I am faced with the seemingly straight forward, yet complex question from women at various stages of their lives; “can I get pregnant?”. Women in their twenties and nervous about their health; those in their thirties worried about the metaphorical clock ticking away; and women in their forties

Postpartum Urinary Incontinence

Postpartum urinary incontinence is a common condition many women face post pregnancy. Pregnancy and a vaginal delivery can cause increased pressure on the nerves that control the bladder (less common after a c-section delivery) and may result in a higher frequency of urination and urgency.

Prevention of Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

As the baby grows, so does the uterus carrying the baby. This growth stretches the skin over the enlarging uterus. Stretch marks are the red and brown streaks which eventually turn white, and sometimes itchy, that appear on or around your belly. They are a ……

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