how hormone imbalance can affect fertility

There are numerous hormones in a woman’s body influencing fertility. The mere presence of these hormones are not sufficient. These hormones need to be available in sufficient amounts and work in a balanced manner in order to achieve ovulation. The following is

menopause and brain fog los angeles glendale

‘Menopause-related cognitive impairment happens to women in their 40s and 50s, women in the prime of life who suddenly have the rug pulled out from under them,’ an expert says. Dr. Gayatri Devi’s patient, a 55-year-old former headmistress,

Why Am I Always Exhausted

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most common hormonal abnormalities in our society. The day to day stress from work, family and society, added to the changes that we and nature inflict on our bodies causes the overproduction and eventual depletion of cortisol, an adrenal hormone. The overuse and …….

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