What is Labial Hypertrophy?

Labial hypertrophy is a common condition that refers to the size of the labia or vaginal lips. It’s a term that describes noticeable vaginal asymmetry. While the labia aren’t perfectly symmetrical in most women, hypertrophy is when one or both lips are more prominent than usual. This form of hypertrophy is usually not a serious …

The Trim Labiaplasty Vs Wedge Labiaplasty

Deciding to undergo a labiaplasty procedure is a big step in gaining confidence and sexual empowerment. Labiaplasty is one of the fastest-growing cosmetics surgeries in Los Angeles because it can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the vagina. All the while, it may address discomfort and improve your …..

Recovery After Labiaplasty Surgery

Even though results are seen immediately after the labiaplasty surgery, full healing and final result take time. Like any other surgical procedure, women will require some downtime to recover after a labiaplasty. The recovery process will vary from woman to woman. However, most will follow a basic timeline after surgery.


In the majority of cases, labiaplasty is done to alter the shape of the labia as per patient’s desires or correct significant discrepancies in size and shape between the two lips. It is also done to remove the darkened portions of the labia or to repair a delivery scar. Then there are cases where the …..

labia majora puffing

Our skin gets wrinkled when we age or when we lose weight. Also as hormonal changes occur as in menopause, it affects the connective tissues supporting our skin. Unfortunately it’s a fact of life that we can not avoid. Exercise helps tighten the muscles, hydration helps avoid dryness ……

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