Can Multivitamins Increase the Risk of Death

Yes, you read correctly. Recent studies show multivitamin use in healthy people not only decreases healthiness but also increases the risk of death. The exact conclusion from one study is as follows: “Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death,


One of the most common conditions women complain of is heavy vaginal bleeding and pain during their menstruation cycle. Adenomyosis, or uterine endometriosis, is one of the most prevalent conditions

Prevention of Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

As the baby grows, so does the uterus carrying the baby. This growth stretches the skin over the enlarging uterus. Stretch marks are the red and brown streaks which eventually turn white, and sometimes itchy, that appear on or around your belly. They are a ……

How to Prevent Genital and Urinary Problems During and After Menopause

As the level of estrogen in women decreases in perimenopause and menopause, shrinkage and dryness of the vaginal and urinary organs occur. The tissues thin out and the blood flow to the genitalia decreases. These changes can …..

I Am Not Myself Right Before My Period

I hear this so frequently in my office. Cyclic changes in mood and physical discomfort that usually starts after ovulation and ends with a period is called premenstrual syndrome and is often referred to as PMS. Feelings of depression, anxiety, nervous agitation, breast tenderness, and cravings are …

Is Your Pelvic Pain Caused by Your Bladder

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic pelvic pain condition that has its origin in the bladder. Two to seven percent or the population (primarily women) suffer from this potentially debilitating condition. Women with recurrent urinary tract infection symptoms and negative cultures …..

OK, I Had My Baby. Now, What is Going to Happen to My Body

Fourth trimester is the three month period after delivery when a mother’s body deals with the residual changes from carrying the pregnancy and child birth. This time period is critical since neglect in correcting these changes can lead to chronic lifelong issues. ……

Can Endometriosis Become Cancer

One of the most common conditions in women is endometriosis. It occurs in 1 out of 10 women. The symptoms are usually persistent pain with menstruation, bloody cysts of the ovary and fertility issues. It is usually considered to be a benign condition. However, for years there has been ……

Why Am I Always Exhausted

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most common hormonal abnormalities in our society. The day to day stress from work, family and society, added to the changes that we and nature inflict on our bodies causes the overproduction and eventual depletion of cortisol, an adrenal hormone. The overuse and …….

Patient Suffers from Chronic Pain with Sex

Anna had stopped by my office today for a six month follow up. Anna is a 25 year old woman who complained of chronic pain with sex a year ago. Anna lives in Texas and had come to see me because she did not feel that the physicians she had seen for this problem in Texas were able to help her with her……..