what is endometriosis

Endometriosis is the implantation of the endometrial tissue in the pelvis or the abdomen. Endometrial tissue is what you see on your pad during menses. We think it finds its way to the inside of the abdomen through the fallopian tubes, tubes attaching the inside of the uterus to the inside of the abdomen. In most


“Can i still get pregnant?” “how much longer do i have? Time goes by fast. While we are going to school, building a career, and getting ready to get pregnant, time slips away. The number of women trying to get pregnancy after the age of 35 is growing. At 35 the chance of getting pregnant is 29% in each cycle, almost half of that before …..

Menopause and Bio Identical Hormones los angeles

“Do i need hormones?” “Are all hormones the same?” “what is the safest and the best hormones and when should i start?”These are the most common questions I am asked from women transitioning through perimenopause or in menopause. Women concerned about changes they see in themselves, friends …

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or (PCOS)

“I can’t lose weight, my face is full of acne and thick hair, and my periods are very irregular. What is going on with my body?” These are some of the most common signs of a very common hormonal condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome or (PCOS). 10-15% of women …….

3 Signs You Might Have a Hormone Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance occurs when there are either too little or too much hormones in the body. Even though we might not get to see or feel the hormones, they play a very important role in the functioning of the organs and the body as a whole, hence even the slightest hormone

postpartum depression los angeles glendale

“Mothers are the root of the family tree. Without a healthy root the tree will wither. Self care is non-negotiable, it’s survival.” Postpartum mood disorders range from short lived “blues” (80% of new mothers), to more severe depression (20%), and much less common psychosis (1/1000). Causes are complex and treatment may require

menopause and brain fog los angeles glendale

‘Menopause-related cognitive impairment happens to women in their 40s and 50s, women in the prime of life who suddenly have the rug pulled out from under them,’ an expert says. Dr. Gayatri Devi’s patient, a 55-year-old former headmistress,

types of ovarian cysts los angeles glendale

Ovarian cysts are one of the most common findings in women of reproductive age. The majority of women I see in the office with ovarian cysts complain of a combination of menstrual irregularities, pain with menstruation or intercourse, and abdominal distention. In some cases, the pain and bleeding is so severe

fertility anxiety los angeles glendale

On any given day in my practice, I am faced with the seemingly straight forward, yet complex question from women at various stages of their lives; “can I get pregnant?”. Women in their twenties and nervous about their health; those in their thirties worried about the metaphorical clock ticking away; and women in their forties

Postpartum Urinary Incontinence

Postpartum urinary incontinence is a common condition many women face post pregnancy. Pregnancy and a vaginal delivery can cause increased pressure on the nerves that control the bladder (less common after a c-section delivery) and may result in a higher frequency of urination and urgency.