Vulvar Granuloma Fissuratum

Vulvar Granuloma Fissuratum Specialist in Los Angeles

Many women live with pain from sex because of a condition called vulvar granuloma fissuratum (VGF). Vulvar granuloma fissuratum  is a condition that involves chronic tearing of the vulva. A small split or fissure in the vulva can lead to constant irritation, similar to a paper cut. Over time, the stress of constant tearing can create thinning of the tissue and scarring. VGF many times is confused with recurrent urinary tract infection or vaginal infections. 

Like all pelvic pain, pain from VGF should be carefully managed with help from a doctor specializing in women’s health with experience in treating VGF. It’s important to know that treatments are available that can help to relieve VGF symptoms. If you suspect that your pain is a result of vulvar granuloma fissuratum, there are certain symptoms and causes you should be on the lookout for with this largely misdiagnosed issue.


Symptoms of Vulvar Granuloma Fissuratum

Not all women experience the same VGF symptoms. What’s more, some women with chronic VGF may only experience pain when coming into contact with specific triggers. Here’s a rundown of the most common vulvar granuloma fissuratum symptoms.

Pain During Sexual Intercourse

Painful intercourse is the most widely reported VGF symptom. In addition to experiencing throbbing pain, many women with VGF also report burning or itching caused by the friction of intercourse.

Pain When Inserting Tampons

Due to the fact that VGF often occurs in the tissue located directly at the vaginal opening, inserting tampons can become painful. The initial pain when attempting to insert a tampon can be sharp. If the tampon is successfully inserted, the area may remain irritated and inflamed.

Burning or Stinging on Contact With Fluids

Stinging or burning while urinating could be a sign of VGF. During urination, small fissures on the vulva can become irritated by urine’s astringency. The sensation can be described as something like pouring rubbing alcohol on a wound. If you’re experiencing pain or burning when urinating, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out a fungal infection or sexually transmitted infection (STI) that requires immediate treatment.

Thinning and Scarring of the Vulva

While not true with all cases of VGF, the vulva sometimes undergoes noticeable visual changes. It’s common to see thinning or scarring of the vulva caused by the trauma of living with chronic fissures. However, changes in the appearance of the vulva alone aren’t always caused by VGF. Declining estrogen that occurs with age, certain medical treatments, and other factors can all cause thinning of the vulva. In some cases, the chafing damage done to vulva tissue as a result of VGF can also cause women to experience ongoing vaginal dryness.

Bleeding or Spotting

The recurrent tearing and splitting that occur with VGF can cause random bleeding. While this is most common during or following sexual intercourse, spotting and bleeding can also happen whenever fissures are reopened as part of the ongoing tearing cycle that happens with chronic vulvar granuloma fissuratum.


Causes of Vulvar Granuloma Fissuratum

The delicate tissue of the vulva is vulnerable to rips and tearing throughout a woman’s life. However, factors that range from natural declines in hormones with age to childbirth can increase your risks for VGF. Here’s a look at the risk factors for developing vulvar granuloma fissuratum.

Vulvar Atrophy

Thinning of the vulva that can either occur naturally with age or be accelerated due to certain medications and procedures can make tissue more vulnerable to tearing. As estrogen levels dip, vaginal tissue tends to lose its elasticity. It becomes dry, thin, and more prone to tearing. This is why there’s a specific risk for VGF during menopause.

Poorly Healed Episiotomy

VGF is commonly caused by vaginal tears during childbirth that don’t heal properly. Up to 80% of women experience some degree of vaginal tearing during labor. Episiotomies that are never fully healed can also cause vulvar granuloma fissuratum.

Irritation From Clothing and Hygiene Products

Many women are shocked to hear that the pelvic pain and burning they’re experiencing is actually caused by household products they use every day. Many soaps, detergents, and bath products contain heavy perfumes and dyes that are full of skin irritants. With ongoing use, these products cause contact dermatitis of the vulva that results in open wounds.

Other causes

Inflammatory changes and chronic vaginal infections make the vulvar tissue susceptible to injury. Rough penetration or dryness during penetration, as well as repeated tears of the vulva can exacerbate VGF. Delay in recognition and treatment makes the condition worse and more difficult to treat. 


Vulvar Granuloma Fissuratum Treatment in Los Angeles

With VGF, you never know when pain or bleeding will leave you feeling like your body is working against you. You’ll be encouraged to hear that VGF can be managed and treated with help from the right care team. After determining the underlying cause of your VGF, your doctor can offer a number of noninvasive treatment options. This includes topical creams, dilating tools, and injections. If there is significant scarring or tissue damage, laser or surgical treatments may be recommended to help prevent recurring tearing from continuing.

If you’re looking for an expert in treating VGF in the Los Angeles area, consider consulting with Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) and UroGynecologist specializing in women’s health and advanced minimally invasive gynecologic surgery. Book your appointment today.