Scar Removal Treatment in Los Angeles
Scar removal treatments aim to get rid of or reduce the visibility of scars as most people consider them unsightly. Scars are the body’s natural way of “patching” or healing deep wounds, but may also negatively affect one’s overall quality of life because of the low confidence most people may experience with having visible scars. Many people simply “live with” scarring because they assume that removal is too difficult or invasive. In reality, modern scar treatment options have come a long way.
Types of Scars
Most people will experience some degree of scarring in their lifetime. From falling off your bike as a kid to giving birth via C-section, there are many ways that scarring happens. However, the lines and raised bumps we see on our bodies are created by different healing mechanisms.
Atrophic Scars
Atrophic scars are depressed or “pitted” areas of the skin. They happen when skin heals over an indentation. The most common atrophic scars are acne scars. Chickenpox, mole removal, surgery, and trauma can also leave atrophic scars.
Keloid Scars
Keloid scars are thick, raised scars. They are believed to be caused by the overproduction of collagen following wounds that might include scratches, bug bites, piercings, burns, or injections. Keloid scars often look like shiny, hairless lumps of raised skin. They can be reddish to purple in color.
Hypertrophic Scars
Caused by abnormal collagen production during wound healing, hypertrophic scars are thick, raised scars that are often red. They are most common after surgical incisions, burns, or skin trauma. They are also more likely to occur in areas of the body that experience ongoing movement or tension.
Stretch Marks
Appearing as bands or stripes on the skin, stretch marks are caused by rapid height growth or weight gain. They occur most frequently during adolescence and pregnancy. Stretch mark coloration can be red, pink, purple, blue, black, and brown.
Scar Removal Treatment
A number of scar removal treatments can be offered for scarring based on a patient’s goals. While scar treatments can’t always fully remove scars, they can dramatically reduce visibility to the point that they become nearly undetectable. Here’s a look at the options doctors can offer for scar treatment today.
Topical Scar Treatment
For those seeking noninvasive scar treatment that can be performed at home, topical gels and ointments can help to minimize the appearance of scars. In studies, silicone gel has been found to be an effective noninvasive treatment to prevent formation of pathologic scars and improve mature scars.
Steroid Injections
Doctors can inject corticosteroid solution directly into hypertrophic and keloid scars to reduce inflammation and redness. In addition, steroid injections can potentially help to reduce scar size by breaking down collagen fibers. Several rounds of injections are typically needed.
Laser therapy
Laser scar treatment can help to make scarring less noticeable. It is generally advised when a scar is causing discomfort or reducing your range of motion. Laser treatment can also be used proactively to help prevent a raised scar from forming following surgery.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
PRP injects platelets taken from your own blood into scar tissue to mimic and activate the skin’s natural healing mechanisms. Once injected, platelets trigger tissue growth using increased collagen and elastic production. PRP is a safe, well-tolerated treatment that reduces the risk of a negative reaction because the patient’s own blood is used.
Common Scars That Require Treatment
While scarring is something that almost everyone experiences with time and age, there are some scars that are specific to sexual health. Pregnancy, childbirth, and gynecological disorders are all common causes of scarring. There are many gentle, noninvasive treatments that can help to reduce scarring in intimate areas. Here’s a look at common scars that you should consider speaking to your gynecologist about.
Hysterectomy Scars
If you’ve had an abdominal hysterectomy, a large abdominal incision was made using a horizontal cut just above the pubic hairline. In some cases, doctors will make vertical incisions from the hairline to the belly button. While laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomies generally require much smaller and thinner incisions, light scarring also generally occurs.
Stretch Marks
It’s very common for women to be unhappy with stretch marks following pregnancy. In addition, it can be disappointing to be left with stretch marks after losing a considerable amount of weight. Stretch mark treatments can help women to feel more confident about their bodies after undergoing dramatic changes.
Perineal Scar
Most women experience some degree of vaginal tearing during childbirth. Perineal scar tissue forms in the area between the vagina and anus called the perineum. During labor, scarring can occur from the perineum tearing on its own or through an episiotomy. Many women utilize pelvic-floor rehabilitation to recover from perineal tearing. For those with ongoing discomfort due to scarring, options that include laser treatments or a surgical procedure called a perineoplasty that tightens the area between your anus and vagina may help.
Vaginal Trauma Scars
Vaginal scarring can occur any time scar tissue develops within the vagina as a result of any kind of injury or tearing. It is most commonly caused by childbirth, endometriosis, or cancerous lesions. Laser treatments and surgical scar removal options can help to ease discomfort.
Vaginal Surgery or Piercings Scars
Incisions and stitches used during vaginal surgery such as labiaplasty, or surgical vaginal rejuvenation can sometimes cause scar tissue to form within the vagina. It’s also not uncommon for keloid and hypertrophic scars to form as a result of vaginal piercing. A person with raised, irritated vaginal scars may be a good candidate for laser treatments or steroid injections.
You don’t have to live with vaginal scarring that leaves you feeling uncomfortable or self-conscious. There are many noninvasive, in-office treatments that can dramatically reduce the appearance of scars. Bring your questions about scar treatment to Dr. Michael Tahery at L.A. Women’s Health & Wellness. Dr. Tahery is a leading board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) and urogynecologist in the Los Angeles area. Book your consultation today!