What is non-surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Changes to the genitalia are more common than most realize. Vaginal rejuvenation aims to address those concerns through repair and revitalization. While there are many surgical options available, surgery is not always necessary. There are several non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments to provide life-changing results without …

How Much Does Vaginoplasty Cost

Vaginoplasty procedures are more popular than ever. Thousands of women across the country elect to get this surgery for a variety of reasons. It’s a form of cosmetic surgery and reconstructive that can repair the pelvic floor and walls of the vagina. This procedure can help women address vaginal injuries after childbirth, tighten …

Why is The Vaginal Area Dark

Skin darkening and general hyperpigmentation are relatively common issues that can arise due to sun exposure and age. Having a dark vaginal area usually isn’t a health concern. It’s normal for women of all complexions to experience darkening around the vulva and other intimate areas. However, the extent of the …

Vaginal Tightening: Ways to Tighten Your Vagina

Unfortunately, stigmas surrounding the discussion of issues like this force many to deal with the negative aspects of vaginal laxity in silence. But you don’t have to settle for undesired looseness. This problem is more common than most realize, affecting most women at some point in their lives. It’s not just a cosmetic issue. Laxity can negatively …

Endometriosis vs. Menstrual Cramps What's The Difference

While some discomfort is normal, many women unknowingly have endometriosis. It can develop in women only a few years after the first menstrual period. The signs of endometriosis are easy to mistake for other conditions, and it’s common for women to mistake them for standard period pain ….

What is Non Surgical Labiaplasty

Traditional labiaplasty is an outpatient surgical procedure that involves making incisions to remove excess tissue. While surgical labiaplasty can provide impressive results, it’s not your only option. Non surgical labiaplasty can improve the size and overall appearance of the labia using lasers and radiofrequency devices …..

Is Labiaplasty Painful?

Like other cosmetic surgeries, labiaplasty can be life-changing, helping you feel comfortable in your body. But despite the good this procedure can do, many women are concerned about the potential pain and the recovery process. So, is labiaplasty painful? The good news is that labiaplasty is considered a relatively minor surgery. Usually under local anesthesia, allowing …

Will Labiaplasty Get Rid of Camel Toe

Will labiaplasty surgery get rid of camel toe? Is a common question among women who feel self-conscious about seeing the outline of their vaginal lips through their clothing. While we all understand that this is part of basic anatomy, a camel toe can still make it difficult to feel comfortable when wearing jeans, leggings, yoga pants …

Do Small Fibroids Need Treatment

Contrary to popular belief, fibroids don’t have to be massive to cause discomfort and affect your quality of life. There is no such thing as a size threshold that dictates when women should get small fibroids treatment. Whether or not you should seek treatment depends entirely on the symptoms they create. Fibroids of any size can cause pain and ….

Vaginoplasty Recovery and Aftercare

While recovery times vary by patient, vaginoplasty full recovery typically takes six to eight weeks. However most patients return to normal activity within a few days. It’s common for patients to experience some swelling, tenderness, bruising, and soreness in the days and weeks following surgery. While discharge and ….