Female Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
Sexual dysfunction is any problem interfering with the individual or couples satisfaction during any phase of the sexual cycle, from excitement to resolution. Research has found that 43 % of women experience some type of sexual difficulty. It is also a medical condition that most people are reluctant to discuss with their friends, family, doctors, even their partners.
Most cases are treatable or can be improved by early treatment and attention.
Physical Causes in Women Can Include:
Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common problems affecting sexual dysfunction. PMS, perimenopause, postmenopause, changes as a result of medications and a number of other hormonal conditions can disrupt each phase of sexual cycle. Close attention to sexual history and special physical and hormonal testing can identify the hormonal imbalance. Once the imbalance is corrected the sexual function can be improved or restored.
Psychological Conditions
Psychological well-being is essential to a fulfilling sex life. Depression, history of abuse, relationship issues, fear of pain, and many other conditions can inhibit sexual desire and arousal, prevent orgasm, and cause avoidance of intimacy. For effective treatment of sexual dysfunction complicated by psychological factors, we work with therapists with special expertise in sexual health to optimize our treatment plan.
Endometriosis displacement of the endometrial tissue, such as expelled during menstruation, and implantation inside the body can lead to scar tissue formation and inflammation. This condition, in most cases, cause pain during menstruation as well as intercourse. Multiple diagnostic options are available to diagnose this problem. If you suffer from pain with menstruation that progressively gets worse or persistent pain with intercourse, seriously consider evaluation for this condition.
Painful Penetration
Vulvodynia and vaginismus are two conditions, among many, that cause pain on palpation or penetration of the vulva and vagina. These conditions even though sometimes seem difficult to diagnose and impossible to treat has been Dr. Tahery’s area of special attention and expertise. Dr Tahery has successfully diagnosed and treated hundreds of women with sexual dysfunction as a result of painful penetration. Our philosophy is that sex should be pleasurable and a source of strength in a relationship, not avoidance, disruption, and conflict.
Prolaspe of the uterus and pelvic organs through the vagina results in pain with penetration and discomfort.
Fibroids are in most cases benign tumors of the uterus and can cause pain during intercourse. An ultrasound examination in the office can easily and without pain or discomfort diagnose this problem.
Why it happens?
Psychological and physical issues alone or in combination can be the cause for sexual dysfunction. Sometimes one problem can lead to another and by solving the original problem the subsequent issues disrupting sexual function also is corrected.
Dr. Tahery has spent more than 20 years listening, evaluating, treating, and studying women and couples with sexual dysfunction. Dr. Tahery’s training and experience in Pelvic Surgery and Urogynecology is integral to his understanding and success in treating this condition. Involvement of both partners involved in the relationship, even though not essential, enhances significantly the success of these treatments and couples fulfillment. We welcome the participation of all willing participants in our treatment efforts.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD) is defined as a female sexual disorder with the presence of the following “on all or almost all (75%-100%) occasions of sexual activity”:
- Marked delay in, marked infrequency of, or absence of orgasm
- Marked reduced intensity of orgasmic sensations.
- The absence of orgasm must cause personal distress (bother) in order for these symptoms to be considered a disorder. (for example, women who are not very bothered by their lack of orgasm do not have FOD).
Symptoms must have been present for at least 6 months and are not better explained by a mental disorder or because of a relationship problems or other significant stress in the participant’s life and not due to effects of substance abuse or new medications or other medical conditions.
Approximately one in twenty women have FOD and it is the second most frequently reported sexual problem in American women. FOD can either be lifelong (primary) or acquired (secondary).
There are no currently FDA approved treatments or devices for FOD. Therefore, common off-label treatments include psychotherapy/sex therapy, hormone therapy, and medications that increase blood flow to the genitals.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet concentrate that may help to speed up tissue healing, without serious side effects, in some medical conditions. It has been tried as treatment for diabetic foot ulcers, muscle injury, tendon injury, and in a variety of cosmetic procedures. The only condition for which there are high-quality data and clear demonstration of effectiveness is arthritis of the knee. It is also apparent from the majority of published studies that PRP therapy has minimal risk of scar tissue formation or significant bad side effects.
It has been suggested by many scientists that in some women FOD may be caused by decreased clitoral and genital blood flow secondary to blockage in the small blood vessels going to the clitoris (similar to that seen in erectile dysfunction (ED) in men) and/or diminished nerve conduction (also as seen in ED). PRP activates cells to develop into new tissue—nerves, collagen, and blood vessels. As such, PRP may potentially reverse the changes responsible for FOD. In addition, it has been shown that improved sexual function in women is highly linked with increased blood flow through the clitoris. One component of PRP is known to cause growth of new blood vessels. Therefore, the investigators anticipate PRP injections may potentially improve blood flow through both the clitoris and the tissue around the urethra, thereby improving sexual function and decreasing FOD.
In addition, it has been shown that women who easily achieve orgasm are more likely than women with FOD to have a larger clitoris and a clitoris positioned closer to the vaginal wall. Since PRP has been shown to increase connective tissue, injection of PRP into the clitoris may potentially enlarge the clitoris and may bring the clitoris closer to the vaginal wall, thereby improving orgasm.
There are some reports that physicians using the PRP as an injection near the urethra and clitoris have seen some patients with improvement in FOD after the injections. This is the first study that uses an objective comparative study to find out if this treatment works or not.