Labiaplasty Blogs by Dr. Tahery Who Is An OBGYN in Los Angeles Fri, 08 Mar 2024 23:56:38 +0000 en hourly 1 Labiaplasty Blogs by Dr. Tahery Who Is An OBGYN in Los Angeles 32 32 How Much Does Vaginoplasty Cost? Fri, 08 Mar 2024 23:34:46 +0000 Vaginoplasty procedures are more popular than ever. Thousands of women across the country elect to get this surgery for a variety of reasons. It's a form of cosmetic surgery and reconstructive that can repair the pelvic floor and walls of the vagina. This procedure can help women address vaginal injuries after childbirth, tighten ...

The post How Much Does Vaginoplasty Cost? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Vaginoplasty procedures are more popular than ever. Thousands of women across the country elect to get this surgery for a variety of reasons. It’s a form of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery that can repair the pelvic floor and walls of the vagina. This procedure can help women address vaginal injuries after childbirth, tighten the vaginal canal to restore sensation during sexual intercourse, and more.

Like any other surgical procedure, vaginoplasty is complex. Every woman’s needs are different, and Dr. Michael Tahery a skilled urogynecologist and expert in cosmetic vaginal surgery will work with women to achieve their distinct goals. But there’s one common question that many women wonder: How much does vaginoplasty cost?


How is the Vaginoplasty Cost Calculated?

The total cost of this procedure can vary based on numerous factors. Typically, the procedure costs anywhere between $4,000 and $20,000. However, no two surgeries are the same. Every woman’s needs are unique, and surgeons develop plans after a full examination and discussion.

Here are a few considerations that will impact how much you can expect to pay for vaginoplasty.


Number of Procedures

Another factor that will impact the total vaginoplasty cost is the number of procedures performed. Vaginoplasty involves repairing the pelvic floor and vaginal walls. How surgeons approach those repairs depends on the extent of previous vaginal injuries. The type of repairs involved are often different for every woman.

Simpler repairs and vaginal canal tightening will come with lower costs. Surgeons evaluate injuries to identify the weakness in each vaginal wall and determine what techniques will provide the desired results. In many cases, surgeons must repair more than just superficial layers. They often have to repair deeper connective tissues and muscular layers.

More complex repairs can come with higher costs. Furthermore, complicated vaginal surgery may require IV sedation versus the local anesthesia used for more straightforward procedures. Therefore, you may incur additional fees to bring in an anesthesiologist.

Dr. Michael Tahery can also combine vaginoplasty with additional procedures. Many women opt to address multiple issues during one procedure to minimize downtime. For example, surgeons can combine vaginoplasty with labiaplasty or clitoral hood reduction for a full vaginal makeover.

If your goals involve those additional surgeries, your total vaginoplasty cost can increase significantly.


Experience of Doctor

Finally, you must consider the doctor’s experience performing the surgery. The surgeon’s experience is priceless, especially with vaginal surgery. You want to work with an expert in urogynecology and vaginal cosmetic surgery. Not only can they help you get the results you’re after, but they can also do so safely and efficiently. Dr. Michael Tahery has performed hundreds of vaginal and cosmetic procedures and you can be assured you will be in good hands. 

While considerable expertise can raise the total vaginoplasty cost, it’s one area where you don’t want to skimp.


RELATED: What is Genital Bleaching?


Is the Vaginoplasty Cost Covered by Insurance?

Traditionally, vaginoplasty is not a procedure that insurance policies will cover. However, there are some exceptions. This surgery can fall under the umbrella of cosmetic and reconstructive. It all depends on your unique needs and situation.

When the primary goals are to improve tightness, aesthetic appearance, and sexual sensation, vaginoplasty is more of a cosmetic procedure. But suppose you’re considering this procedure to correct injuries and trauma after childbirth, to treat urinary incontinence, or to address other medical concerns. In that case, your doctor may consider it medically necessary. This procedure can also be combined with other medically necessary conditions like urinary incontinence which is covered by most insurance companies. The cost of the cosmetic procedures may be an additional charge depending on your coverage. 

Insurance is a complex matter, so it’s important to consult your doctor and insurance company for more guidance.

Vaginoplasty costs can vary, but many women will tell you those expenses are well worth the outcome. If you want to learn more and explore your options, consult Dr. Tahery. Dr. Michael Tahery is well-versed in vaginoplasty procedures and is an expert in cosmetic vaginal surgery. As a board-certified OB/GYN and one of the most active gynecological and urogynecological surgeons in Los Angeles, Dr. Tahery has the know-how to help women like you achieve the best results possible. Contact our offices today to schedule a consultation and see if vaginoplasty is right for you.

The post How Much Does Vaginoplasty Cost? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

What is Non Surgical Labiaplasty? Sat, 05 Aug 2023 01:21:25 +0000 Traditional labiaplasty is an outpatient surgical procedure that involves making incisions to remove excess tissue. While surgical labiaplasty can provide impressive results, it's not your only option. Non surgical labiaplasty can improve the size and overall appearance of the labia using lasers and radiofrequency devices .....

The post What is Non Surgical Labiaplasty? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your labia, labiaplasty may be the solution that helps you regain confidence and take control of your sexual health. There are many reasons to consider this procedure. Whether you want to reshape the vaginal lips for a smoother appearance or make changes to prevent pain and irritation, labiaplasty can make it happen.

Traditional labiaplasty is an outpatient surgical procedure that involves making incisions to remove excess tissue. While surgical labiaplasty can provide impressive results, it’s not your only option. Non surgical labiaplasty can transform your labia using lasers and radiofrequency devices.


Non-Surgical Labiaplasty vs. Surgical Labiaplasty

Non surgical labiaplasty is a non-invasive procedure that can improve the size and overall appearance of the labia. However, it works differently than traditional surgical labiaplasty. Conventional surgery involves scalpel-made incisions and physical removal of extra tissue. Meanwhile, non surgical labiaplasty utilizes radiofrequency technology.

Also known as radiofrequency labiaplasty, this procedure takes advantage of your body’s natural healing and rejuvenation processes. Instead of scalpels, your surgeon will use a handheld device with radiofrequency electrodes. The electrodes apply gentle heat to activate fibroblasts within the skin. Fibroblasts play a critical role in the formation of connective tissue. Most notably, the fibroblast cells are responsible for producing collagen proteins.

The goal of radiofrequency labiaplasty is to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Radiofrequency technology effectively stimulates those fibroblasts, allowing your body to shrink and tighten tissue. Most women notice results within a few days, but non surgical labiaplasty can provide long-term tightening as collagen and elastin production increases over several months.

Depending on your needs, you may get multiple radiofrequency labiaplasty treatments to achieve your desired results.

This non surgical labiaplasty procedure is a viable option for many women. But whether or not you’re a candidate for it depends on your needs. 

Both radiofrequency and laser techniques can provide permanent results that can transform the appearance of your labia. What’s right for you depends on your needs and expectations. A seasoned uro-gynecologist surgeon like Dr. Michael Tahery will work with you to determine if non-surgical alternatives to traditional labiaplasty are the right course for you.


RELATED: Trim Labiaplasty Vs Wedge Labiaplasty


Advantages of Non-Surgical Labiaplasty

There are many reasons to consider non surgical labiaplasty. Some of the biggest concerns among women are scarring and downtime. While surgical labiaplasty has a relatively modest recovery period compared to other procedures, non-surgical alternatives decrease downtime even more.

With radiofrequency labiaplasty, most women can return to work the next day. Furthermore, there are fewer restrictions concerning physical activity and sexual intercourse. Surgical labiaplasty has a manageable recovery period, but there are often stricter limitations on what you can do as you heal.

Another notable advantage of non surgical labiaplasty is how long it takes. Because it doesn’t involve incisions, the procedure takes significantly less time to finish. Depending on the type of equipment used and what results you’re trying to achieve, it may take less than an hour to complete each session. You can drive home afterward and not worry about hospital stays, bleeding, or significant discomfort. Pain is typically a non-issue. The worst most women have to deal with is easy-to-manage tenderness or mild swelling.

If scarring is a concern, non surgical approaches trump surgical labiaplasty. A skilled surgeon like Dr. Tahery knows how to mitigate scarring either way. But with a procedure like radiofrequency labiaplasty, scarring is non-existent.

Radiofrequency devices don’t penetrate the skin. There are no incisions that could result in scarring. Therefore, your labia will have no indication of the procedure after healing. For women who worry about scarring, it’s one of the best alternatives to surgery.


RELATED: What is Labial Hypetrophy?


When you’re ready to explore your surgical and non surgical labiaplasty options, contact the office of Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a board-certified OB/GYN and one of the most active gynecological and urogynecological surgeons in the Los Angeles area. With over 20 years of experience helping women with complex health and cosmetic issues, Dr. Tahery has the expertise to address your needs. Call us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Tahery and learn more about what type of labiaplasty is right for you.

The post What is Non Surgical Labiaplasty? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Is Labiaplasty Painful? Mon, 03 Jul 2023 21:46:13 +0000 Like other cosmetic surgeries, labiaplasty can be life-changing, helping you feel comfortable in your body. But despite the good this procedure can do, many women are concerned about the potential pain and the recovery process. So, is labiaplasty painful? The good news is that labiaplasty is considered a relatively minor surgery. Usually under local anesthesia, allowing ...

The post Is Labiaplasty Painful? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Labiaplasty surgery continues to grow in popularity as more women invest in their comfort, sexual health, and overall well-being. It’s predominantly a cosmetic procedure that effectively reshapes or reduces the vaginal lips, addressing unevenness or protrusion to achieve a smoother look. However, it’s also suitable for women who experience pain or physical discomfort during sex and other activities. There are many reasons to consider getting a labiaplasty, and Dr. Tahery will work with you to identify and address your unique needs.

Like other cosmetic surgeries, labiaplasty can be life-changing, helping you feel comfortable in your body. But despite the good this procedure can do, many women are concerned about the potential pain and the recovery process. So, is labiaplasty painful?


Pain During Labiaplasty Surgery

The good news is that labiaplasty is considered a relatively minor surgery. It occurs in an outpatient setting, in the majority of cases under local anesthesia, allowing you to recover at home. While other cosmetic procedures require significant downtime and pain management, that’s usually not the case with labiaplasty.

Is labiaplasty painful? It all depends on your distinct needs and tolerances. Everyone reacts differently to surgical procedures, and there are still inherent risks. Fortunately, a seasoned surgeon like Dr. Tahery can address your concerns and take steps to make the experience as comfortable as possible. While the vaginal area is one of the most sensitive parts of your body, labiaplasty is not considered particularly painful, however, it can be. Some women may experience labiaplasty pain during recovery, but there are many ways to mitigate those issues.

Before the procedure, Dr. Tahery will discuss your needs and expectations. He will perform a thorough examination and consultation. You can also discuss your concerns and learn more about pain management during that time. There are several labiaplasty techniques, and your surgeon will develop the right strategy to deliver the desired results. Surgeons may also prescribe medications to take before your surgery to reduce swelling and bruising while managing labiaplasty pain during recovery.

Labiaplasty involves cutting the labia minor or labia major to achieve the desired look. Typically, surgeons perform the outpatient procedure with local anesthesia. Depending on your needs, it may or may not involve sedation. If you go without sedation, is labiaplasty painful? Anesthetic ensures that you don’t feel pain during the procedure. Labiaplasty takes roughly two hours to complete, but the exact timeline varies based on the level of correction required.

RELATED: What is Labial Hypertrophy?


Pain During Labiaplasty Recovery

Ask any woman who’s received this surgery, “Is labiaplasty painful?” Most will say that if you feel any pain, it’s more likely to happen during recovery. It’s common to experience pain after the anesthetic wears off. Bruising, swelling, and moderate soreness are normal. Your surgeon will provide detailed care instructions you must follow after surgery. As with any other procedure, there is a risk of bleeding, infection, and scarring. Good post-operative care can significantly reduce those risks while effectively addressing pain.

Surgeons often prescribe pain medications you can take after your labiaplasty. However, over-the-counter pain relievers are also effective. Make sure to discuss those options before your procedure.

Soreness can cause slight labiaplasty pain during recovery. Cold compresses or ice packs can reduce swelling. When used alongside prescription or over-the-counter pain medications, they can also help manage discomfort. Some women experience a stinging sensation when urinating, but proper cleaning and follow-up care can address those issues and promote healing.

Is labiaplasty painful, and how long does it last? Expect moderate pain to last two or three days. After that, the pain should subside. At that point, you can usually go back to your everyday activities with some restrictions. Surgeons typically recommend that you avoid using tampons or doing strenuous activities like exercise and sexual intercourse.

Residual swelling and bruising may occur for several weeks. Itching is also common in the first week as the incisions heal. Generally, labiaplasty pain during recovery is no longer an issue after the first three days. However, it’s wise to wear loose-fitting clothes and take things easy until you fully recover. After four to six weeks, you can expect those cosmetic changes to be more visible. That’s also when you can also continue exercising and having sex.

RELATED: Recovery After Labiaplasty Surgery

Is labiaplasty painful? While you can expect some discomfort and labiaplasty pain during recovery, those issues typically subside after a few days. The surgery occurs with anesthesia, ensuring you don’t feel anything during the procedure. Most women have no problems recovering and returning to their usual routine in a few days and have zero physical restrictions after four to six weeks.

If you’re thinking about getting labiaplasty, turn to Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a board-certified OB/GYN and one of the most active gynecological and urogynecological surgeons in Los Angeles. He has over two decades of experience helping women in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Call our office today to schedule your consultation. Dr. Tahery is ready to answer your questions and use his expertise to help you get the results you’re after.

The post Is Labiaplasty Painful? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Will Labiaplasty Get Rid of Camel Toe? Wed, 17 May 2023 01:32:23 +0000 Will labiaplasty surgery get rid of camel toe? Is a common question among women who feel self-conscious about seeing the outline of their vaginal lips through their clothing. While we all understand that this is part of basic anatomy, a camel toe can still make it difficult to feel comfortable when wearing jeans, leggings, yoga pants ...

The post Will Labiaplasty Get Rid of Camel Toe? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Will labiaplasty surgery get rid of camel toe? Is a common question among women who feel self-conscious about seeing the outline of their vaginal lips through their clothing. While we all understand that this is part of basic anatomy, a camel toe can still make it difficult to feel comfortable when wearing jeans, leggings, yoga pants, swimsuits, bicycle shorts, and other everyday wardrobe staples. Unfortunately, many women with pronounced camel toe have been subject to laughter, staring, or rude remarks.

The common advice for getting rid of camel toe is to simply stop wearing “tight” clothing. However, this solution is unsatisfying for women who prefer to wear form-fitting clothing and athletic wear. Loose-fitting clothing shouldn’t be your only option if you’re looking for a way to get rid of camel toe. Fortunately, gentle surgical and non-surgical options are available to reduce the appearance of camel toe without altering the health or functionality of the genitalia. 


What Is Camel Toe?

Camel toe is a slang term that describes the visible outline of the vaginal lips (labia major) through clothing. The name comes from the fact that pressure created by clothing fabrics can cause the labia to resemble a camel’s hoofed forefoot. The camel toe phenomenon tends to be more visible when wearing tight-fitting clothing. The presence of camel toe doesn’t pose any physical or medical issues. However, some women do find that the pressure that accompanies visible camel toe can create discomfort and chaffing. What’s more, the underlying causes of having chronic pronounced camel toe can sometimes have hygienic or health repercussions that run deeper than simply causing a fashion faux pas.

RELATED: What is Labial Hypertrophy?


Why Do Some Women Have Camel Toe?

Camel toe is a term describing the very normal shape created by the outline of a woman’s external genitalia. That means that any woman can technically experience camel toe from time to time when wearing certain styles or fabrics. However, some women feel that their camel toe is more pronounced. This is often owed to individual anatomy.

For example, having an enlarged pubic mound caused by extra weight in that part of the body can accentuate the labia to create camel toe. Some women simply experience a disproportionate concentration of fat cells in the area covering the mons pubis and labia majora when they gain weight. There’s also a genetic component that simply causes some women to have larger labia in proportion to the rest of the body.

Additionally, sagging labia tissue that causes the lips to droop can also create an exaggerated outline through clothing. This can be triggered by everything from genetics to physical changes that occur over time. It’s also very common for women who never noticed camel toe before to become bothered by a visible labia outline after pregnancy. Camel toe sometimes happens when the skin in the genital area loses elasticity following significant weight loss. The cause of camel toe is less important than the fact that there is something you can do about it if it bothers you.

If you’re dealing with a chronic camel toe due to enlarged labia, the aesthetic unpleasantness that you’re experiencing may not be the worst part of the issue. Having enlarged labia often causes difficulties with exercise and physical activity. The hygiene challenges presented by oversized labia can also increase your risk for urinary tract infections, odors, and rashes. If this is your reality, it may be time to consider options to get rid of camel toe.

RELATED: Recovery After Labiaplasty Surgery


Labiaplasty for Camel Toe

A labiaplasty is a surgical and nonsurgical procedure used to alter the appearance of the labia. This form of vaginal rejuvenation is commonly used by women who feel uncomfortable with their enlarged labia as a result of childbirth, genetics, or age-related changes. Labiaplasty for camel toe is an option if you’d like to wear your favorite clothing without feeling uncomfortable.

A labiaplasty can be customized to address the excess volume or “drooping” that’s present in your labia. Generally, a labiaplasty for camel toe procedure involves making small incisions in the labia. If necessary, excess fat can be removed to eliminate the puffy, mounded look that often accentuates the genitalia to create a visible camel toe. Lastly, the labia are pulled up to form a tighter, smoother shape.

One of the big advantages of labiaplasty is that it’s considered a minimally invasive procedure with a short recovery time. In fact, labiaplasty can be performed as an outpatient procedure. If camel toe is just one aspect of a larger sense of dissatisfaction that you’re experiencing with your vaginal health and appearance, the tightening effects of a labiaplasty can also be enhanced using laser treatments, hormone therapy, and other minimally invasive rejuvenation treatments.

If you’re looking for camel toe treatments in the Los Angeles area, reach out to the office of Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a board-certified OB/GYN, urogynecologist, and female hormone specialist with extensive labiaplasty experience. Our office is pleased to help you discover a solution for eliminating excessive camel toe. Schedule your consultation today!

The post Will Labiaplasty Get Rid of Camel Toe? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Do Small Fibroids Need Treatment? Tue, 02 May 2023 00:55:10 +0000 Contrary to popular belief, fibroids don't have to be massive to cause discomfort and affect your quality of life. There is no such thing as a size threshold that dictates when women should get small fibroids treatment. Whether or not you should seek treatment depends entirely on the symptoms they create. Fibroids of any size can cause pain and ....

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Fibroids, also known as myomas or fibromyomas, are a relatively common issue affecting an estimated 70 percent of women. Most women have anywhere from six to eight fibroids in their uterus, and they usually have less than a one percent chance of being malignant. While these growth are prevalent in the general female population, that doesn’t mean they don’t require attention and treatment.

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop from the muscular walls of the uterus, growing over time thanks to a steady supply of blood flow and hormones. The severity of fibroid issues can vary from woman to woman. A big factor that affects whether fibroids cause symptoms is their size. These growths can balloon to eight inches in diameter or more, typically growing over several years after starting their life on a microscopic scale.

Larger fibroids almost always cause trouble. But what about the smaller ones? Do you need surgery for small fibroids?


Do Small Fibroids Cause Pain and Other Problems?

Contrary to popular belief, fibroids don’t have to be massive to cause discomfort and affect your quality of life. There is no such thing as a size threshold that dictates when women should get small fibroids treatment. Whether or not you should seek treatment depends entirely on the symptoms they create.

Fibroids of any size can cause pain and numerous health problems. When these tumors develop inside the uterus, they create unnecessary pressure on the uterine wall. One type of fibroid, submucosal fibroids, alters the uterine lining, resulting in an increased risk for reproductive issues in the future. Fibroids that grow outside the uterus might press onto the spinal nerves, bladder, and rectum. Either way, the result is intense abdominal and pelvic pain that worsens the bigger the tumors get. But that’s not all.

Fibroids, big and small, can also interfere with your health and sexual activity. Common symptoms that arise due to fibroids include:

  • Pain during intercourse
  • Abdominal distension
  • Urination difficulties
  • Heavy menstruation bleeding
  • Irregular periods
  • Constipation

In some cases, fibroids can also impact fertility. The tumors can cause problems for pregnant women by compromising fetal growth and increasing the odds of miscarriage and preterm labor.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how big fibroids get. If they’re causing pain or other symptoms, it’s important to seek treatment even if they are small fibroids. 

RELATED: Do Fibroids Affect Pregnancy?


Treatment and Surgery for Small Fibroids

There are many ways to approach small fibroids treatment. Before you discuss those options with your healthcare provider, you must get a diagnosis. Common diagnostic procedures involve non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques. That might include ultrasonography, hysteroscopy, or hysterosonography. Modern 3D and 4D imaging makes it easier for providers to visualize, diagnose, and monitor fibroids.

From there, you can work with your doctor to develop a treatment plan for your unique case. Because fibroids can vary in size and location, recommended treatments depend on your situation.

Women experiencing heavy bleeding can often rely on medications. Contraceptive pills, progestational agents, and Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists can address menstruation changes and temporarily shrink fibroids. They prevent the tumors from getting bigger while you continue taking the medication. The same goes for hormone-releasing intrauterine devices.

If the tumors are causing pain, pressure, or fertility problems, surgery for small fibroids may be your best option. In the past, hysterectomies were the go-to solution. However, there are many other surgical procedures available.

Your doctor may recommend uterine artery embolization (UAE). It’s a minimally invasive procedure that involves cutting the blood supply to fibroids through a needle incision in the groin.

Other procedures include myomectomy via laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. The former requires surgeons to cut and remove fibroids through a small incision near the public line. Meanwhile, the latter involves inserting a telescopic instrument through the cervix. The right technique for your case will depend on the size and location of the fibroids.

It doesn’t matter what size your fibroids are. If they’re causing noticeable symptoms and pain that affects your quality of life, you can seek small fibroids treatment with Dr. Michael Tahery. As an experienced urogynecologist and fibroid specialist, Dr. Michael Tahery has the skills and experience to find the right treatment for you. Dr. Tahery has performed over a thousand minimally invasive operations, helping women throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options for small fibroids treatment.




The post Do Small Fibroids Need Treatment? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

What Are The Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Options? Mon, 06 Mar 2023 22:46:27 +0000 There's no need to live with the debilitating consequences for sleep, sexual health, general happiness, and confidence created by vaginal atrophy also known as atrophic vaginitis. Vaginal Atrophy is largely caused by the natural reductions in estrogen experienced both during and after menopause.

The post What Are The Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Options? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Vaginal atrophy is a condition that commonly accompanies menopause. Also known as atrophic vaginitis, vaginal atrophy is characterized by thinning, drying, and inflammation of the vaginal walls. The condition is largely caused by the natural reductions in estrogen experienced both during and after menopause. However, women of any age can develop vaginal atrophy when estrogen levels dip for various reasons. There’s no need to live with the debilitating consequences for sleep, sexual health, general happiness, and confidence created by this condition. Vaginal atrophy treatment in Los Angeles is available for women ready to take the next step. Take a look at everything you need to know if you’re living with the pain and discomfort of this condition.



How can you know if the symptoms you’re experiencing are caused by vaginal atrophy? It’s actually quite common to confuse symptoms of vaginal atrophy with symptoms of a yeast infection. Treatments for yeast infections won’t work for vaginal atrophy because this condition is caused by a lack of estrogen instead of a fungal infection. Of course, it’s always important to rule out a yeast infection with help from a medical provider before assuming that your symptoms are caused by vaginal atrophy. Here’s a look at vaginal atrophy symptoms:


  • Vaginal dryness.
  • Vaginal burning.
  • Burning during urination.
  • A sense of urgency during urination.
  • Changes in vaginal discharge.
  • Genital itching
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  • Light bleeding after intercourse.
  • Painful or uncomfortable intercourse.
  • Decreased vaginal lubrication during sexual activity.
  • Tightening of the vaginal canal.

RELATED: Why Is My Labia Shrinking?


It’s not necessary to experience all symptoms to be diagnosed with vaginal atrophy. In many cases, women only experience the symptoms of burning, dryness, and itching. A pelvic exam is generally needed to confirm a diagnosis of vaginal atrophy. During your examination, your healthcare provider will be looking for signs of swelling, redness, vulvar lesions, lacerations near the vaginal opening, sparse pubic hair, narrowing of the vagina, and other telltale signs that you’re in a state of decreasing estrogen levels. Urine and fluid analysis may also be used.



Many women never talk to their care providers about vaginal atrophy because they assume that nothing can be done to mitigate the age-related effects of diminishing estrogen levels. In reality, there are several treatment options available to help restore comfort and function. Speaking to your care provider as soon as you notice symptoms of vaginal atrophy is important because early treatment can prevent your vaginal atrophy from worsening. Vaginal dryness increases as the body goes without estrogen. This means that your condition is likely to get worse with time. In some cases, atrophy becomes so severe that the vaginal opening narrows dramatically. Trying to correct atrophy one significant symptoms are present can be much more challenging than treating early symptoms. Next, take a look at the three most common treatments for vaginal atrophy.


Hormone Therapy

A number of different hormonal therapies are available for treating vaginal atrophy. Topical estrogen is available in creams, rings, tablets, and suppositories. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is another option. Your care provider will discuss the pros and cons of various hormonal therapies based on your age, symptoms, and health history.


Laser Treatment

Laser treatments or vaginal rejuvenation for reducing vaginal dryness are becoming increasingly popular among women seeking non-hormonal treatments for atrophy. Lasers stimulate circulation, cellular activity, and healing that help to restore vaginal tissue to original levels. This non-invasive, surgery-free option triggers vaginal tissue’s self-healing, self-restorative properties.

RELATED: Frequently Asked Questions About Labia Majoras Puffing


Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes shouldn’t be underestimated when talking about vaginal atrophy treatment options. There are many things women can do to reverse vaginal atrophy symptoms without medical intervention. Here are some tips:


  • Kegel exercises performed on a regular basis can help to prevent the thinning and shrinking of vaginal tissue. Kegels can be especially effective for women suffering from urinary symptoms associated with the condition. These simple exercises involve repetitive tightening and loosening of pelvic floor muscles.
  • Frequent sex can help to prevent vaginal atrophy. Regular sexual activity helps to keep vaginal tissue healthy by increasing blood flow to the vagina.
  • Quitting smoking can help to resolve vaginal atrophy. Cigarette smoking restricts blood circulation to the vagina. In addition, smoking reduces the effects of the body’s estrogen levels.
  • Regular exercise can be helpful for keeping blood flow in the genital area high.


If you’re struggling with symptoms of vaginal atrophy, reach out to the offices of Dr. Tahery to learn about vaginal atrophy treatment options that can help you feel like yourself again. Located in Los Angeles, Dr. Michael Tahery is a board-certified OB/GYN and female hormone specialist offering patients more than two decades of experience. Our office can address your unique needs to help you develop a vaginal atrophy treatment plan that allows you to live without pain and discomfort. Call today to schedule an appointment!

The post What Are The Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Options? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Cost | What To Know Sun, 12 Feb 2023 21:48:21 +0000 Have you decided that it’s time for some rejuvenation? Vaginal rejuvenation is a restorative, confidence-boosting surgical and non surgical procedure that allows patients to address both physical discomfort and aesthetic concerns. Take a look at the factors that might influence vaginal rejuvenation cost in Los Angeles.

The post Vaginal Rejuvenation Cost | What To Know appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Have you decided that it’s time for some rejuvenation? Vaginal rejuvenation is a restorative, confidence-boosting procedure that allows patients to address both physical discomfort and aesthetic concerns. Consisting of a collection of surgical and nonsurgical options, vaginal rejuvenation is a broad term that refers to any procedure that alters vaginal appearance or anatomy. While childbirth and menopause are the two biggest causes for interest in vaginal rejuvenation procedures, this is something that can enhance the quality of life for women at all stages of life with concerns about their sexual health and wellness.

There are many different reasons for seeking vaginal rejuvenation. In some cases, patients simply seek to enhance the appearance of the labia, clitoris, or vaginal opening. Other patients are motivated by desires to treat incontinence, improve vaginal tightness, strengthen weak vaginal/pelvic muscles, correct painful intercourse, or increase lubrication. What’s the next step if you’ve decided that it’s time to consider vaginal rejuvenation? One of the first questions you might have has to do with vaginal rejuvenation cost. Take a look at the factors that might influence vaginal rejuvenation cost in Los Angeles.



Vaginal rejuvenation cost is generally not covered by most insurance plans. The reason for the lack of coverage is because vaginal rejuvenation is categorized as a cosmetic procedure. As a result, your insurer is likely to consider this to be an elective procedure that is not “medically necessary.” However, exceptions exist. Your insurance may cover vaginal rejuvenation if you’re correcting childbirth injuries or trauma. It’s always worth reviewing your plan with Dr. Tahery to determine if any part of your procedure can be covered by insurance.



A number of factors go into vaginal rejuvenation cost in Los Angeles. It’s nearly impossible to get a “generic” estimate when searching online for this very reason. The best way to get an accurate estimate of what you can expect to pay is to book a consultation. However, the following vaginal rejuvenation cost factors are universal.


Number of Sessions Required

While surgical vaginal rejuvenation options typically only require one treatment, some nonsurgical rejuvenation therapies may require several sessions. Factors that influence how many sessions are needed include the severity of the issue, a patient’s level of laxity, and a patient’s desired results. A plan for the number of sessions needed to achieve a specific goal will be created prior to starting treatment.


Type of  Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure

Vaginal rejuvenation can look very different from patient to patient. While one patient may only require a single procedure, another may find that pairing procedures is a good strategy for getting the best results. The most common procedures included in vaginal rejuvenation are labiaplasty, vaginal tightening, clitoral hood reduction, genital bleaching, labia puffing, hymenoplasty, and vaginoplasty. Each procedure results in a different vaginal rejuvenation cost based on its complexity, the need for anesthesia, and more. When you speak with a doctor about your options, you’ll discuss complementary procedures that can help to produce more dramatic, longer-lasting results.

RELATED: Frequently Asked Questions About Labia Majora Puffing


Hospital or Surgical Center

In general, procedures performed as an outpatient in a surgical center are less costly than in a hospital. Dr. Tahery has designed surgical centers that are fully certified to perform cosmetic and gynecological procedures which significantly reduce the cost to patients. 


General Anesthesia vs. Local 

Dr. Tahery is an expert in performing cosmetic and gynecological procedures under local anesthesia. This eliminates the cost and risk of general anesthesia and helps with faster recovery and shorter downtime.


The Patient’s Individual Circumstances

You don’t need to be reminded that your body is unique. That’s why your vaginal rejuvenation will be a unique procedure that is tailored to meet your needs. The personalization of each procedure and technique used will ultimately adjust your vaginal rejuvenation cost. In fact, the cost for the same procedure is often different between two patients.

RELATED: Recovery After Labiaplasty Surgery


The Patient’s Goals

What do you want to achieve with vaginal rejuvenation? This question is always the priority when creating a treatment plan. Generally, patients aiming for more dramatic results will pay more for their procedures. The complexity of the procedure(s) chosen to help you meet your goals will also determine costs. Surgical options are typically more expensive than nonsurgical laser options.

If you’d like to get a personalized assessment for vaginal rejuvenation cost in Los Angeles, it’s time to move forward with Dr. Michael Tahery of L.A. Women’s Health & Wellness. A board-certified OB/GYN and urogynecologist specializing in women’s health needs in Southern California, Dr. Tahery has decades of experience performing vaginal rejuvenation procedures. Call today to book a consultation for vaginal rejuvenation in Los Angeles.




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Your Hymen Repair Questions Answered Mon, 07 Nov 2022 23:02:37 +0000 Hymen repair, also known as hymenorrhaphy, is a procedure that revolves around an often-misunderstood part of the female anatomy. Sometimes called the "virginity tissue," the hymen is a band of tissue that sits at the opening of the vagina, and it's often torn during intercourse, exercise, tampon insertion, and ...

The post Your Hymen Repair Questions Answered appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Hymen repair, also known as hymenorrhaphy, is a procedure that revolves around an often-misunderstood part of the female anatomy. Sometimes called the “virginity tissue,” the hymen is a band of tissue that sits at the opening of the vagina, and it’s often torn during intercourse, exercise, tampon insertion, and other activities.

Like all other aspects of vaginal health, the hymen’s presence can vary from one woman to the next. For some, the tissue is thin, delicate, and easy to tear with subtle manipulation. But for others, it’s thick and sensitive enough to cause pain during sex or physical touch.

Biologically, the hymen serves no useful purpose and is a vestige of vaginal development. However, it holds deep cultural and psychological significance for many women. Hymen repair in Los Angeles aims to restore this tissue, potentially improving sexual health and confidence.


Who is a Candidate?

Most adult women in good general health are suitable candidates for hymen repair. There are many reasons why women seek hymenoplasty. Generally, it’s an elective procedure to address cultural, religious, or psychological concerns.

While it doesn’t serve a biological function, the hymen is associated with the concept of virginity. In some cultures, it’s a sign of purity. The tissue’s presence could be significant for religious wedding ceremonies.

Many women also seek hymen repair in Los Angeles for cosmetic or emotional reasons. Brides to be may want to repair the tissue for their wedding night, and victims of abuse can use hymen repair as part of their recovery process.


What is the Cost of Hymen Repair?

The cost of hymen repair in Los Angeles will vary from one woman to the next. While the procedure is straightforward, the costs depend on your location and unique needs.

Every woman’s hymen is different, and Dr. Tahery will determine the best course of action to address your distinct concerns. One of the most significant cost factors to consider is the condition of the hymen. The thickness of the tissue and the physical damage it experiences could affect its conditions. 

Another detail that could impact price is the surgical techniques used. The restoration methods used depend on the tissue’s condition, the tear’s quality, and more.

Dr. Tahery will walk you through the process during your consultation and examination, covering possible cost factors for your unique situation.

RELATED: Vaginal Rejuvenation Cost | What To Know


Is the Procedure Painful?

Generally, hymen repair in Los Angeles is a simple but delicate procedure performed under local anesthesia in most cases. General anesthesia is available when necessary. The anesthesia makes the process relatively pain-free. Some women may experience slight discomfort immediately after surgery and during recovery. However, the pain is often minimal, not long-lasting, and easy to address with prescribed pain medications.


How Long is the Hymen Repair Surgery?

Dr. Tahery performs hymenoplasty procedures at accredited Los Angeles and Glendale surgical centers. Before the hymen repair, you’ll have an in-depth consultation to discuss your needs. Every woman is different, and this consultation will help Dr. Tahery develop a suitable surgical strategy to deliver your desired results.

The surgery itself is quick, lasting between 30 minutes to an hour. During the hymen repair, the broken tissue fragments are stitched together using tiny dissolvable sutures. The process is painless, and most women have no issues going home after some rest.

Contrary to popular belief, hymen repair does not tighten the vagina. A vaginal repair procedure can be performed at the same time as hymenal repair. The surgery deals with tissue surrounding the vaginal opening. It doesn’t leave any scars, and there’s virtually no difference between an intact hymen and one surgically repaired with hymenoplasty.

RELATED: Facts Facts and Myths About a Loose Vagina


How Long is the Recovery?

After hymen repair in Los Angeles, slight discomfort and soreness are common. However, hymen repair is an outpatient procedure that doesn’t require significant downtime. Typically, patients can walk out of the surgical center and return to work within one to two days.

Soreness may continue for one or two weeks after surgery. After that, the sutures will dissolve as the tissue heals. Full recovery takes between four and six weeks. Generally, women must refrain from sexual intercourse and potentially damaging physical activity until the tissue fully heals.

Hymen repair is a surgical procedure many women do for themselves and themselves alone. Unlike other cosmetic surgeries, hymenoplasty is subtle and impossible for the outside world to see. It’s a profoundly personal cosmetic surgery that women choose to get for their unique reasons. Whether it’s for personal, religious, or cultural reasons, it can be a life-changing procedure that offers peace, confidence, and reclamation of sexual health.

If you’re curious about hymen repair in Los Angeles, contact Dr. Michael Tahery. Dr. Tahery is a board-certified OB/GYN and Urogynecologist serving women in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He has decades of experience performing hymen repair and other vaginal rejuvenation services. Call today to set up your consultation.

The post Your Hymen Repair Questions Answered appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Why is My Labia Shrinking? Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:38:48 +0000 The labia can change over time. While many women feel prepared to deal with the menstrual changes that occur as they approach menopause, they are taken aback by changes in the appearance of the vagina. It's not uncommon for the labia to experience changes in size, shape, and elasticity at different stages of life ...

The post Why is My Labia Shrinking? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

The labia can change over time. While many women feel prepared to deal with the menstrual changes that occur as they approach menopause, they are taken aback by changes in the appearance of the vagina. It’s not uncommon for the labia to experience changes in size, shape, and elasticity at different stages of life. What’s more, labia naturally come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. There isn’t necessarily a “right” way for your labia to look.

The labia refer to the fold of skin around the vaginal opening. While the labia majora are the fleshy outer lips, the labia minora are the inner lips that begin at the clitoris. The labia can be short, elongated, wrinkled, or smooth at any age. Many women don’t think about their labia until they begin to notice changes in appearance that leave them feeling self-conscious.

Have you noticed changes to your labia? Several reasons could be behind labia shrinking. If you feel unhappy with the appearance of your labia, cosmetic and therapeutic options are available for correcting shortened, shrinking labia. Dr. Tahery routinely helps patients find treatments for labia shrinking in Glendale and Los Angeles, California.


Causes of Shrinking Labia

First, it’s important to know that changes to the labia over a lifetime are normal. Everything from weight fluctuations to childbirth can change the shape and structure of the labia. However, there are two common causes of shrinking labia that everyone should know about.


Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a non-STD inflammatory condition that causes thinning skin in the genital area. The telltale sign of this condition is patchy, discolored skin. However, a person with lichen sclerosus can develop symptoms tied to wrinkled skin patches, itching, burning sensations, blistering, painful sex, and easy bruising. Lichen sclerosus can also change the appearance of the labia. In some cases, the labia may appear flattened. The opening of the vagina may also appear to shrink. While women of any age can develop lichen sclerosus, it is most common in postmenopausal women. The underlying cause of sclerosus isn’t fully clear. It’s believed that the condition could be related to some combination of infection, immune disorders, trauma, and genetics.



During the menopausal phase, the body begins to produce less estrogen. This causes thinning in the vaginal tissue. This thinning often creates shortened, thinning labia. In addition to shortening the entire labia, hormonal changes can also create uneven sizing throughout the labia to form a “lopsided” effect.


RELATED: Facts Frequently Asked Questions About Labia Majora Puffing


Treatments for Shrinking Labia

Several treatments exist for correcting shrinking labia. These treatment options range from hormonal corrections to rejuvenation. Take a look at the options available if you’re interested in learning how to correct changes to your labia.



If labia shrinkage is due to lichen sclerosus, soothing the area with a medicated ointment is often enough to restore fullness to the labia. In addition to helping to plump up the labia again, ointment can help to restore color, reduce risks for scarring, and soothe discomfort. The recurring nature of lichen sclerosus makes it important to return for care if symptoms reappear.


Estrogen Therapy

If labia shrinkage is thought to be caused by “vagina atrophy” associated with dipping estrogen levels, estrogen therapy may be appropriate. Estrogen creams, tablets, suppositories, and rings can all be prescribed for providing controlled, steady release of hormones. Oral estrogen is also an option.



Labiaplasty is a laser or surgical option that can be used to cosmetically improve the appearance of the labia. It could be something to consider if you feel self-conscious about uneven labia caused by one side of the vaginal opening shrinking more than the other. In addition to providing a cosmetic benefit, labiaplasty is useful for reducing any pain and irritation caused by twisting and turning on the portion of the labia that remains more elongated compared to the shrinking side.


Labia Puffing

Labia puffing is a nonsurgical form of vaginal rejuvenation. During this procedure, a patient’s own fat or fillers are injected into the labia majora to create an “inflated” effect. In addition, an injectable other than the patient’s own fat can be used to help stimulate natural collagen production for continued plumping over time.


Are You Bothered by Labia Shrinking?

While labia shrinking can be unsettling when it’s first noticed, this condition is often just a natural part of the changes that happen over time. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you have to live with these changes if they are making you self-conscious. It’s also very important to seek treatment if you’re dealing with labia shrinking caused by lichen sclerosus to avoid scarring and long-term inflammation.

Reach out to the office of Dr. Michael Tahery to learn more about treatments for labia shrinking in Los Angeles and Glendale. Labia health is an important part of overall vaginal health. By addressing your dissatisfaction with the changing appearance of your labia, you may be able to bring your body into better balance. Call today for a consultation to discuss treatment options!


The post Why is My Labia Shrinking? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Which Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Do I need? Fri, 26 Aug 2022 23:40:51 +0000 Vaginal rejuvenation is an umbrella term used to describe several unique procedures. The vagina is a complex organ and will continue to change through puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. As you age, the vagina can experience several issues. Investing in a vaginal rejuvenation procedure is a ..

The post Which Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Do I need? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.

Vaginal rejuvenation is an umbrella term used to describe several unique procedures. The vagina is a complex organ and will continue to change through puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. As you age, the vagina can experience several issues.

Investing in a vaginal rejuvenation procedure is a fantastic way to address those unwanted changes, reclaim your sexual health, and boost your self-confidence. But there’s one question you need to ask:

Which vaginal rejuvenation procedure is for you?

Here are a few common issues and the solutions Dr. Tahery can provide to solve them.


Uncomfortable or Insecure in Certain Clothing?

Many women experience discomfort wearing tight-fitting clothing due to the shape and size of the labia. Excess tissue can be a point of insecurity. Depending on the extent of the issue, the tissue might protrude. In some cases, women experience labial hypertrophy, creating noticeable asymmetry, discomfort during sex, and various other problems.

If that’s something you’re dealing with, labiaplasty might be for you. This vaginal rejuvenation procedure reshapes and reduces the vaginal lips. There are many approaches to labiaplasty. Dr. Tahery can perform several techniques, including laser labiaplasty, to address your unique needs.

Labiaplasty can be a life-changing procedure that addresses discomfort, improves the look of specific types of clothing, and significantly improves your self-confidence.


Does It Feel “Loose” Down There?

The vagina is an incredibly resilient part of your body. But major life events, such as childbirth,  and aging can make it lose its elasticity. While there are many myths and misconceptions about vaginal looseness, it’s most often a result of medical issues. Trauma from a vaginal birth, pelvic floor conditions, and menopause are all common causes of that loose feeling.

Luckily, vaginal tightening is an available solution. It’s a reconstructive vaginal rejuvenation procedure that addresses stretched tissue and weak pelvic floor muscles. The exact surgical techniques used will vary based on your needs. After a thorough examination, Dr. Tahery will develop the right approach to experience improved aesthetics, better sexual sensation, reduced dryness, and more.

RELATED: Facts and Myths About  Loose Vagina


Damaged Area Between the Vagina and Anus?

Vaginal childbirth can be a beautiful thing. But for many women, it can cause severe damage and discomfort. Obstetric tears are a common injury women face during childbirth.

When the vagina is overstretched during delivery, the result can be a partial or complete perineal tear. The perineum is the area between the anus and vaginal opening. While it looks simple, the perineum contains vital muscles and connective tissues that support the vagina.

Tears can cause vaginal looseness, frequent infections, discharge, unwanted pressure, bowel issues, and other related issues.

Dr. Tahery can perform a perineoplasty to address a torn perineum. This vaginal rejuvenation procedure repairs the muscles and tissue, resulting in better aesthetics and improved function.


Looser and Thinner Labia Majora?

If you’re experiencing thin vaginal lips, you’re not alone. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can cause the labia majora, or outer lips of the vulva, to become thin and loose.

Aesthetically, thin outer lips can cause the labia minora, or inner lips, to be more visible. It also causes laxity issues and sagging tissue.

Thinner lips reduce the cushioning effect of the lips, leading to pain during intercourse. Even physical activities like riding a bike, or horse, and sex can become a pain.

Labia puffing is an easy solution to these problems. The procedure engorges the tissue using injectable fillers or fat grafts. It’s a simple vaginal Rejuvenation procedure that can provide a more youthful appearance and more comfort.

RELATED: Trim Labiaplasty  Vs Wedge Labiaplasty


Torn Hymen?

The hymen is a thin membrane that surrounds the vaginal opening. The hymen is another sorely misunderstood part of the vagina. The tissue can vary in thickness and sensitivity. For some women, it’s thin and easily torn with light manipulation. But for others, it’s thick enough to remain intact even with penetrative intercourse.

Whatever the case, there are several reasons you might want to undergo a hymenoplasty. This procedure restores the hymen, addressing cultural, religious, or psychological needs.


Hyperpigmentation of Intimate Areas?

Are you dealing with hyperpigmentation and darker skin around the vagina or anus? Pigmentation is relatively common in intimate areas. Melanin and pigment-producing melanocytes can accumulate due to hormonal changes. Friction and scars from skin issues can cause noticeable color variation, too.

While not a medical issue, darkened skin can make many women self-conscious. If you fall into that category, genital bleaching might be for you.

This vaginal rejuvenation procedure uses topical treatments, chemical peels, or lasers to lighten the skin. With multiple lightening sessions, you can achieve a more attractive pink flesh tone and even pigmentation in intimate areas.

Those are just a handful of rejuvenating procedures that can transform your vagina. Whether you’re looking to achieve a more youthful appearance, address pain, or achieve better sexual gratification, these solutions can make it happen.

Reach out to the offices of Dr. Michael Tahery to learn more. Dr. Tahery has over two decades of experience performing these procedures and more. He’s ready to discuss your needs and help determine which vaginal rejuvenation procedure suits you. Call to schedule a consultation today!

The post Which Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Do I need? appeared first on Best Uro-Gynecologist Los Angeles, OB/GYN Glendale | Dr. Michael Tahery.
